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"Rage Is Loud" by Kellie Powell
Friday, January 2, 2009

An already troubled young woman, Eve, has just discovered that her close friend, John Fell, is actually a sociopath and a serial killer. He has decided to make her his accomplice - whether or not she wants to. Eve finds herself backed into a corner and faced with a decision to kill or be killed. She gets away while Fell is destroying the evidence of his latest kill, and rushes to find Fell's live-in girlfriend, Stephanie. She must convince Stephanie that her boyfriend is dangerous and that the two must work together to stop him.

Rage Is Loud by Kellie Powell

It's Fell. To him, the question isn't, "Why kill someone?" It's, "Why not?" Motive is incidental. He wants to kill people. So he does. For him, it's that simple. He's a sociopath. It's so obvious, really. I don't know how I didn't figure it out sooner. I was so stupid. I thought he cared, about people. I thought he was my friend. When I was climbing the walls of my apartment, when I wanted to throw myself into traffic... he was there. And I don't know if I'd be alive right now, if he hadn't made me think he gave a damn one way or another... But the reality is, he doesn't care about anyone. He's a cold-blooded killer. He's a predator. How could I not have seen that? Or, if I did see it... and I fell for him anyway... then what does that say about me?


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