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A Long-Overdue Update
Thursday, November 20, 2008

I can't believe it's been so long since I updated! That's what happens when you get a day job, I guess - everything that's really important gets neglected.

This is just a quick post - I added three new monologues today, all from a play called Hanging Women by Donna Spector.

I heard a roar behind me, like a thunderstorm. Your father swerved past me on his motorcycle and skidded to a stop just in front of me, blocking my way. I was terrified, but I looked up at him, all in black and gleaming in noonday sun, and my heart felt a shock.

I don't need men anymore. I did, I admit, spend years looking for my perfect mate. The dark side who would let me see my bright side. And the other way around, like a two-way mirror. I wanted someone staring in my eyes, not in an unnerving way, but showing me he listens, he appreciates who I am. Someone to cook with, not chicken, but lobster thermidor, steak tartare, asparagus quiche. He holding the bowl and I the spoon, in perfect synchronicity. Someone who loves to hear me read Edna St. Vincent Millay by wine-laced candlelight on Saturday nights. Who will read me Wallace Stevens over coffee and oranges Sunday mornings. Someone for whom I could buy silk underwear and paint my toenails silver. Even shave my legs--they have gotten so hairy!

I always loved men. Men and freedom, nobody telling me what to do. Why, I'd run away every night if I could. I love that moment when you take off, just getting out of here. You've got no idea where you're going, or how, or if you've got enough money. You never take a suitcase to slow you down, just a big purse with lipstick, comb, underpants, Tampax and condoms, because probably you'll end up in some guy's bed. You'll meet him in a 7-11 over by the Doritos. He'll be big and shaggy and kinda nasty-looking, with a cigarette or a toothpick hanging out of the side of his mouth. He'll look you over and just say, "C'mon, Babe."


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